Friday, May 28, 2010

Bob Ridgley's Idea Of Government


Recently, MHA Bob Ridgley, who represents St. John’s North, gave a startling speech in the House of Assembly regarding the “communal” statement of Lorraine Michael, Leader of the NDP.

In his statement, Ridgley said “She went on to say, Mr. Speaker, 'It is the job of elected government to make sure that the communal pot is shared so everyone is living in a healthy and nurturing society.' An ideal, Mr. Speaker, worthy, I suppose, of us pursuing, that everyone would share equally from the communal pot. We remember the days of communism, Mr. Speaker, and I suppose, if you want to pursue that, it may be a worthwhile ideal that we are all equal, but I do not think, in reality, it is a realistic philosophy for the society in which we live. It is not a share and share alike. There is no element, I suppose, of Robin Hood in it: rob the rich and give to the poor.”

Bob my boy, why do you think we have a government made up of elected officials and not made up of only the rich and powerful? We elect government to do exactly what Lorraine Michael stated: To make sure that the communal pot is shared so everyone is living in a healthy and nurturing society. Otherwise we would live in a country comparable to Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan, to name but a few.

In your biography, I noted that you were an Educator of children, a School Principal, and had extensive public involvement. A person with your outlook on life and what you believe a politician and government should do is not only deplorable, but damaging to those who hear your opinions! Your statement is within the realm of a Dictator and I cannot believe you were actually being given a Cheer and not a Jeer for your comments by our lead newspaper in the province, the Telegram.

We are being lead down the garden path by those who try to relate Responsible Government with Communism. The fact of the matter is our government is singing the praises of Democracy yet following the ideals of a Capitalist Dictatorship and this is causing most Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to be left to the wolves.

Tommy Douglas, the first leader of the NDP, lead initiatives such as Healthcare, Unemployment Insurance, Central Banking, and Old Age Pension. Lorraine Michael is following in his footsteps and continuing to provide for all citizens, not just those of pomp and privilege.

Bob Ridgley is a sad little man who believes he is better than us, above us, and he probably taught your children the same when he was a teacher.

It’s time for the people of St. John’s North and NL to show the government who is really King: The People!

Robin Brentnall
Gambo, NL

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