Tuesday, May 11, 2010



Many Newfoundlander’s get upset when they are referred to as a Newfie. Why? Just because someone told them it’s derogatory? Most Newfoundlander’s don’t even know what derogatory means because we take everything with a grain of salt, except our food, which gets lots of salt!

We are known for our colourful language, beautiful scenery, and acceptance of everyone. When someone calls me a Newfie, I know it is because they know I’m from Newfoundland, they are my friend and understand what kind of people Newfie’s are.

For those who do not agree with me, that’s ok, I understand. But remember this, if Newfoundland was ever being recognized for the kind, loving people we are anywhere in the world, and all of the “Newfie’s” were asked to stand up, would you? I bet you would and would be proud to be distinguished as a Newfie from the others in that place.

Here is another question: Do we rename our famous train from "Newfie Bullet" to "Newfoundland Bullet", Roy Payne's song from "Goofy Newfie" to "Funny Newfoundlander", or maybe the words to Simani's song "Saltwater Cowboy" from "you're still just a Newfie in a Calgary hat" to "you're still just a Newfoundlander in a Calgary hat"?

Get over it. Newfoundlanders are Newfie's, Newf's, By's, and whatever other friendly term we may be called. But if you put "Stupid" in front of any of those, that is an insult to all Newfoundlander's.

I love being a NEWFIE and I am damn proud of! Not everyone in this country can wear that distinction. Oh Lard Tunderin’, we’z a Distinct Society. Now how’z about dat by’s?

Robin Brentnall


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