Wednesday, June 16, 2010



Although some may think Danny Williams has done an excellent job, the truth is he has failed in nearly everything he has tried.

Danny Williams' only real accomplishment has been to sell oil-drilling rights to an oil company when oil was $140 a barrel, something any 5th grader could have been done.

What concessions are enclosed in the deal if oil prices drop, well that remains to be fully disclosed.

Danny has failed to renegotiate the Churchill Falls agreement.

Danny, in his big mouth way, is failing in his Lower Churchill project having now upset Quebec to the point where they tried to purchase NB Power in order to block the Lower Churchill power line route.

Danny has failed Grand Falls, Stephenville, and soon to fail Corner Brook as the pulp and paper mills are closed/closing. We are also being sued for $500 million by AbitibiBowater.

Danny's province has the highest gasoline, electricity, and home heating oil prices south of the 60th, even though we have as much or more resources than anywhere else in the country.

Danny Williams has cut infrastructure grants to communities; small towns cannot provide clean drinking water or repair buildings and roads, forcing towns to raise taxes to compensate for Danny's cuts. Cuts were in the range of $200,000 per year, essential funds to run any small town.

The province's fish harvesters are threatening to stop fishing if the plant owners are given the okay by Danny Williams to set prices.

The seal hunt has failed and Danny has done nothing but buy a sealskin coat so that the rich might think it's fashionable, the same rich who had condemned the hunt in the first place.

Newfoundlanders and Labradorians can't afford a sealskin coat.

Now Danny has failed his province, country, and neighbour to the south (USA) when he thought only of himself and jumped the queue, going to the states for surgery that he could have gotten here.

That has put Canada's healthcare system in jeopardy, bringing about such articles as was reported in the Calgary Sun that questions the cost of health care by Conservative bean counters and further putting the less fortunate in danger of losing their health care benefits.

Even Obama has had to seek concessions from the Republican party, which will most likely kill healthcare for Americans, especially those who are being left behind by the system they have right now.

If that's what doing an excellent job means, Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are in trouble. The media must open the eyes of the people of Newfoundland and Labrador and show them the true Danny Williams and his shortcomings. ABC (Anything But Conservative) for Newfoundland and Labrador.

Robin Brentnall
Gambo, NL

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. I call him the "pied piper of Newfoundland" - atleast so far. You might want to check my latest blog entry on rock solid politics. Brad
